Windows Android Apk Download – All Windows (Updated)

Want to download windows in your android? You are on right place. You can download all windows android apk for free and install in android easily without ads.

Everyone wants to make Android mobile unique from others windows launchers in best to make your android different from others phones. Windows launcher converts your phone from android to computer look, and pc users will love it.

In basic best Android launchers are entertaining and useful for an android phone. When you install a new launcher in your android, you have a new look like you buy a new phone. For installing launchers, you do not have to unlock your phone (root) or do anything. There are lots of launchers in google play market, and you can install in one click and windows android apk mod is the most popular launcher because of Microsoft Windows.

Windows Android Apk Free Download

In windows launchers, we can find enough launchers available and here we can discuss windows android apk full and provide apk download link to download launchers in your android phone.

windows android apk

You can customize your android phone via launchers, and this launcher makes your android phone more user-friendly and provide a new look and new features to your android. Every windows launcher have unique widgets app drawers and other functions.

Windows XP Launcher

Window XP launcher is the most popular launcher in the android market, and it’s the first launcher that is base on windows. XP launcher is a simple app to change your look android to windows and provide awesome features, and the user never finds one thing that does not look like windows.

windows xp launcher

You can quit the application and go back to your default launcher. You just need to click on start menu and click on turn off, and windows XP launcher will turn off, and your mobile now has default launcher.

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Windows 7 Launcher

This launcher is turned your Android to the most famous windows 7. If you are a windows user, this launcher is easy to use for you. This launcher has some built-in widgets wallpapers and themes. You can change your theme of your Android in just one click, and this launcher has lots of themes in store.

Without start Menu windows not look good this launcher has a start menu, and in the start menu, you will find a emails contacts and some apps to open quickly as shortcuts. You can also drag and drop your application to the desktop as you want.

windows 7 launcher

This launcher has features same as windows to cut copy paste delete and recycle bin, and you can restore your data from recycle bin. You can easily install launcher in your android phone no need to learn how to install just download windows 7 launcher apk and install your android. This launcher does not need any specific android version this launcher works on android 2.2 and its latest all versions.

The free version has some ads if you want to remove ads you need to buy pro version, and its remove all ads.

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Windows 10 launcher

This launcher turns your Android to the classic display of windows 10. You can customize your launcher through awesome features and make your android to more user-friendly.

windows 10 launcher

Once your window 10 launcher is installed in your android phone its convert your look. You can change your wallpapers through setting and done setting as you want there is no limit to use. This launcher has metro style options on your screen as windows phone. This launcher has awesome widgets, and you can add in single clicks. With this launcher, you have experience of windows phone in your android phone.

If you want to make your launcher ads free download from here mod apk and you can buy premium versions also.

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Computer Launcher

Computer launcher same as windows 10 launcher and have more features than windows 10 launcher. Its easy simple to use and have more power on any phone. This launcher has more features then all windows android launcher apk. This launcher start menu is same as windows 10 launcher and has ui as metro style. Its have recycled bin, and you can select and put your files in recycle bin and later check again and delete them.

Computer Launcher

Computer launcher has an action centre and notification centre same as window 10. In action, the centre shows you some tips to make your android fast clean. Turn on off wifi setting same as windows 10 on the taskbar. The launcher has shortcuts to change setting like wifi airplan mode and other as android has on top.

This is all Windows Android Apk you can download and install in your android phone for free.

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