TM Whatsapp Apk 2024 Download New Version

TM Whatsapp Apk is a modified version of the popular messaging app, WhatsApp. It offers enhanced features and customization options that are not available in the regular version of WhatsApp. TM Whatsapp Apk, created by Titus Mukisa, provides users with unique features like privacy settings, last seen freeze, and more. It allows users to personalize their chat experience and enjoy additional functionalities.

TM Whatsapp Apk

TM WhatsApp is an incredible modified version of the popular messaging app, WhatsApp, developed by Titus Mukisa. Let me walk you through some of its amazing features that make it stand out from the regular WhatsApp experience.

TM WhatsApp offers a highly customizable interface that allows you to personalize your chat experience like never before. From changing themes to customizing emojis, you can truly make your conversations reflect your unique style and personality. It’s all about expressing yourself in a way that’s authentic to you.

TM WhatsApp takes privacy to the next level. With features like the ability to freeze your last seen, you have complete control over who sees your online status. This ensures that you can enjoy your privacy and choose when you want to be available to others. It’s all about giving you the freedom to manage your digital interactions.

APK Information

Name TM Whatsapp Apk
Size 67MB
Supported Android 4.0+
Updated Date 07/12/2023
Downloads 100,00+

APK Download


Features of TM Whatsapp Apk

Customizable Interface

  • TM WhatsApp offers a highly customizable interface, allowing users to change themes, emojis, and other visual elements to suit their preferences.

End-to-End Encrypted Security

  • Your conversations are protected with robust encryption, ensuring your privacy and data security.


  • Set automated replies to messages, making it convenient to respond when you’re busy or away.

Increased Status Upload Video Duration

  • Share longer videos as your status, providing more flexibility in expressing yourself.

Chat Lock

  • Protect your private chats with a password or fingerprint lock, adding an extra layer of security.

Message Scheduling

  • Schedule messages to be sent at a later time, ensuring punctuality and organization in your communication.

Unlimited Groups

  • Create and join unlimited groups, making it easier to connect and engage with like-minded individuals.

Blue Tick Hide

  • Hide the blue ticks that indicate message read status, giving you control over when others see that you’ve viewed their messages.

Anti-Delete Messages

  • View messages even if the sender has deleted them, ensuring important conversations are not lost.

Ocean of Themes and Emojis

  • Choose from a wide range of themes and emojis to personalize your chats and express yourself uniquely.

Top 5 Alternatives of TM Whatsapp Apk


  • Offers customization options, privacy features, and exclusive functionalities.


  • Provides enhanced privacy settings, customization options, and additional features like themes and app lock.


  • Offers customization options, privacy features, and improved control over media sharing.

WhatsApp Plus

  • Provides an extended range of customization options and enhanced privacy features.


  •  A popular messaging app that offers features like end-to-end encryption, self-destructing messages, and chat customization.

Last words on TM Whatsapp Apk

TM WhatsApp Apk emerges as a feature-rich messaging app that takes your communication experience to the next level. With its customizable interface, advanced privacy settings, and convenient features like auto-reply and message scheduling, TM WhatsApp Apk offers a truly personalized messaging experience.

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