OG Whatsapp Apk 2024 Download [New Version]

OG Whatsapp Apk is a modified version of the official WhatsApp messaging application. It’s developed by AlexMods and designed to offer additional features that enhance user experience, making it more secure and user-friendly.

OG Whatsapp Apk

As an ardent user of WhatsApp, I’ve always found it to be a convenient and reliable platform for connecting with friends, family, and colleagues. But then, I stumbled upon OGWhatsApp APK – an innovative spin-off that took my messaging experience to an entirely new level. It’s like WhatsApp on steroids, packed with features that have made my communication more enjoyable and personalized.

One of the standout attributes of OGWhatsApp APK is its enhanced privacy settings. The ability to hide my online status or blue ticks gives me a sense of control over my privacy that the standard version couldn’t offer. It’s incredibly liberating to read messages at my own pace without feeling pressured to respond immediately. Moreover, the app offers a fantastic ‘anti-delete messages’ feature, which allows me to see messages even after they’ve been deleted by the sender. No more missing out on important information because someone had second thoughts about their message!

Another game-changing feature of OGWhatsApp APK is the option to operate multiple accounts simultaneously on the same device. As someone who juggles between personal and professional life, this feature has been a lifesaver. Now, I can keep my work chats separate from my personal ones without constantly logging in and out. But that’s not all – the customization options are endless! From changing themes to altering the chat interface, I can truly make my WhatsApp reflect my personality. OGWhatsApp APK has undoubtedly elevated my messaging experience, making it more efficient, secure, and personalized.

APK Information

Name OG Whatsapp Apk
Size 70MB
Supported Android 4.0+
Updated Date 13/12/2023
Downloads 100,00+

APK Download


Features of OG Whatsapp Apk

Dual Accounts

  • OGWhatsApp APK allows you to operate two WhatsApp accounts on the same device, which is perfect for managing personal and professional communications separately.

Messaging Non-Saved Numbers

  • You can send messages to numbers that aren’t saved in your contacts. This simplifies communication and makes it easier to reach out to new contacts.

Enhanced Privacy

  • The app provides robust privacy settings, allowing you to hide your online status and read receipts. This gives you more control over your privacy.

Anti-Delete Messages

  • Even if the sender deletes a message, you’ll still be able to view it thanks to this feature.

Customizable Themes

  • With OGWhatsApp APK, you can personalize your user experience with a variety of themes and customization options.

DND Mode

  • The Do Not Disturb mode allows you to mute notifications for a specific period, ensuring uninterrupted usage when you need it.

Auto-Reply Feature

  • Set automated replies for incoming messages, making it easy to respond when you’re busy or unavailable.

Advanced Customization

  • Along with themes, the app allows further customization of the chat interface, letting you create a unique user experience.

Secure and Reliable

  • Despite being a modded version, OGWhatsApp APK provides a clean, simple, and secure messaging service.

Send Large Files

  • The app lets you send large files without any hassle, going beyond the limitations set by the original WhatsApp.

Top 5 Alternatives of OG Whatsapp Apk


  • GBWhatsApp is another modded version of WhatsApp with features like message auto-reply, the ability to use two accounts on one device, and many customization options.


  • This application offers added privacy features such as hiding online status, blue ticks, and recording status. It also allows customization of themes.

WhatsApp Plus

  • WhatsApp Plus provides extended file sharing options, allowing users to send large files without any hassle. It also offers a wide array of themes for customization.


  • With FMWhatsApp, users can send messages to numbers not in their contact list. It also offers an increased limit for sending images and videos.

WhatsApp Aero

  • This application stands out with its superior speed and performance, along with a host of features such as hidden chats, themes, and larger media sharing capacity.

Last words on OG Whatsapp Apk

OGWhatsApp APK is a versatile application that enhances your WhatsApp experience by offering a plethora of features and customization options. Whether you value privacy, functionality, or aesthetics, OGWhatsApp APK has something for everyone. However, always remember to download such applications from trusted sources and keep your data backed up to ensure a safe and enjoyable user experience.

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