How to Update Apps without Payment Method? (Guide)

In today’s digital age, keeping our apps up to date is essential for optimal performance and enhanced user experience.

However, what if you don’t have a payment method attached to your app store account? Can you still update your apps?

The answer is yes! In this blog post, we will explore various methods to update your apps without a payment method, ensuring that you stay up to date with the latest features and bug fixes.

How to Update Apps without Payment Method

Utilize Free Apps:

One of the simplest ways to update your apps without a payment method is by using free apps. Many developers offer both free and paid versions of their apps. By installing the free versions, you can still receive updates and enjoy the latest features without any financial commitment.

App Store Promotions:

App stores often run promotional events where they offer premium apps for free or at discounted prices for a limited time. Keep an eye out for such promotions and take advantage of them. By downloading these apps during the promotion period, you can update them without any payment method associated with your account.

Search for Alternative App Stores:

While the official app stores like Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store are popular choices, there are several alternative app stores available. These app stores may have different policies regarding payment methods and may allow you to update your apps without requiring payment information. However, exercise caution while using alternative app stores and ensure that you download apps from reputable sources to avoid potential security risks.

Contact App Developers:

If you have a specific app that requires an update but doesn’t allow you to proceed without a payment method, consider reaching out to the app developer directly. Explain your situation and inquire if they can provide an alternative solution or offer any assistance. Some developers may be willing to accommodate your request and provide a workaround for updating their app.

Use App Update Tools:

Certain third-party tools and software exist that enable you to update apps without needing a payment method. These tools work by bypassing the payment requirement, allowing you to download updates directly. However, exercise caution while using such tools, as they may violate app store policies or compromise the security of your device. Use them at your own risk.

How to retry payment without updating my payment method?

Check Payment Method Details:

Before attempting any further steps, double-check the accuracy of your payment method details. Ensure that the card number, expiration date, CVV, and billing address entered are correct. Sometimes, a simple typo or outdated information can cause payment failures.

Retry Payment with Same Method:

If your payment fails, most platforms or online stores provide an option to retry the payment using the same payment method. Look for a “Retry” or “Try Again” button on the payment page and click it. The system will attempt to process the payment again without requiring you to update your payment information immediately.

Use Another Payment Method:

If retrying with the same payment method doesn’t work, consider using an alternative payment method. Many online platforms offer multiple payment options, such as different credit cards, PayPal, or other digital wallets. Select a different payment method and try processing the payment again. This allows you to complete the transaction without needing to update your original payment method.

Contact Customer Support:

When all else fails, reaching out to the customer support team can often provide solutions. Explain the situation to them and inquire if they can manually process the payment or provide alternative payment options. Customer support teams are there to assist customers and may be able to help you complete the transaction without updating your payment method immediately.

Try Different Payment Gateway:

In some cases, the issue may lie with the payment gateway being used. If possible, try using a different payment gateway or service to process your payment. This may bypass any issues associated with your original payment method and allow you to complete the transaction without updating your payment information.


Not having a payment method attached to your app store account doesn’t have to hinder your ability to update your apps.

By utilizing free apps, taking advantage of app store promotions, exploring alternative app stores, reaching out to app developers, or using app update tools, you can keep your apps up to date and enjoy the latest features without the need for a payment method.

Remember to always prioritize security and follow app store guidelines when seeking alternative methods.

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