How to Set up Cellular on iPhone 15? (Guide)

In an era where constant connectivity is crucial, setting up cellular service on your new iPhone 15 is essential.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, ensuring that you can fully utilize the power of your iPhone 15 while staying connected on the go. Let’s dive right in and get your cellular service up and running seamlessly.

How to Set up Cellular on iPhone 15

Check for Carrier Compatibility:

Start by checking if your carrier supports the iPhone 15. Most major carriers offer compatibility with the latest iPhone models, but it’s always a good idea to confirm this before proceeding.

Inserting the SIM Card:

The next step is to insert your SIM card into the iPhone 15. Locate the SIM card tray, usually found on the side of the device, and carefully open it using the SIM eject tool or a paperclip. Place the SIM card in the tray, ensuring it is properly aligned, and gently push it back into the device.

Activating Cellular Service:

Once the SIM card is inserted, power on your iPhone 15. You will be prompted to activate cellular service. Follow the on-screen instructions, which may involve entering your carrier account details, such as your phone number and account PIN. If you encounter any issues during this process, reach out to your carrier’s customer support for assistance.

Configuring Cellular Settings:

After activating your cellular service, it’s time to configure the necessary settings. Navigate to the “Settings” app on your iPhone 15 and select “Cellular.” Here, you can manage various cellular options, including data usage, call forwarding, and personal hotspot.

Checking Data Usage:

Monitoring your data usage helps you stay within your plan’s limits and avoid unexpected charges. Within the “Cellular” settings, you can view your data usage statistics, reset your usage statistics at the beginning of your billing cycle, and even set up data usage warnings or limits.

Enabling Wi-Fi Assist:

To ensure uninterrupted internet connectivity, enable Wi-Fi Assist. This feature allows your iPhone 15 to automatically switch to cellular data when a Wi-Fi connection is weak or unstable. To enable Wi-Fi Assist, go to “Settings,” select “Cellular,” and scroll down to find the Wi-Fi Assist option.

Troubleshooting Cellular Issues:

Sometimes, you may encounter cellular connectivity issues. If you’re unable to connect to cellular data or make calls, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Restart your iPhone 15.
  • Toggle Airplane Mode on and off.
  • Update your device to the latest iOS version.
  • Reset network settings if necessary.

Troubleshooting common cellular issues

No Cellular Connection:

If you’re unable to establish a cellular connection on your iPhone 15, try the following steps:

  • Ensure that you have inserted a compatible SIM card and it is properly seated in the SIM card tray.
  • Check if cellular data is enabled by going to “Settings” > “Cellular” and toggling the “Cellular Data” switch on.
  • Restart your iPhone 15 by holding down the power button and swiping to power off. Once it’s off, turn it back on again.

Weak Cellular Signal:

If you’re experiencing a weak cellular signal on your iPhone 15, consider the following:

  • Move to an area with better network coverage. Obstructions like buildings or natural terrain may affect signal strength.
  • Enable Wi-Fi calling if available. This allows your iPhone 15 to route calls over a Wi-Fi network instead of solely relying on cellular signal.
  • Check if your carrier supports Wi-Fi calling by going to “Settings” > “Cellular” > “Wi-Fi Calling” and enabling the feature if it’s available.

Slow Data Speeds:

If you notice sluggish data speeds on your iPhone 15, try the following:

  • Check if you’ve exceeded your data plan’s limit. Monitor your data usage and consider upgrading to a higher data plan if needed.
  • Reset network settings by going to “Settings” > “General” > “Reset” > “Reset Network Settings.” This will clear any network-related configuration issues.
  • Update your iPhone 15 to the latest iOS version. Software updates often include bug fixes and optimizations that can improve overall performance.

Inability to Send or Receive Calls:

If you’re unable to make or receive calls on your iPhone 15, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Check if “Do Not Disturb” mode is enabled. Disable it by going to “Settings” > “Do Not Disturb” and toggling the switch off.
  • Restart your iPhone 15 to refresh the cellular connection.
  • Contact your carrier’s customer support to ensure that there are no known network outages or issues in your area.

Can I transfer my existing phone number to my new iPhone 15 for cellular service?

Check Number Portability:

Before attempting to transfer your existing phone number to your new iPhone 15, it’s essential to confirm that number portability is supported by your current mobile service provider. Most providers offer this service, allowing you to retain your phone number when switching devices or carriers. Contact your current carrier’s customer support or refer to their website for specific information regarding number portability.

Back Up Your Data:

Before initiating the number transfer, it’s crucial to back up all your important data, contacts, messages, and media files from your old device. This ensures that no valuable information is lost during the transition. You can use iCloud, iTunes, or other backup methods provided by your device’s operating system to perform the backup.

Get a SIM Card:

To transfer your phone number to your new iPhone 15, you will need a compatible SIM card. If your current SIM card is compatible with the iPhone 15, you can simply transfer it from your old device to the new one. However, if the SIM card is not compatible or you are switching carriers, you will need to obtain a new SIM card from your new carrier.

Contact Your New Carrier:

Once you have your new iPhone 15 and a compatible SIM card, contact your new carrier’s customer support to initiate the number transfer process. They will guide you through the necessary steps and provide any specific instructions or documentation required. Be prepared to provide them with details such as your current phone number, account information, and the IMEI number of your new iPhone 15.

Complete the Number Transfer Process:

Follow the instructions provided by your new carrier to complete the number transfer process. This may involve activating your new SIM card, providing additional information if requested, and waiting for the transfer to be completed. The time it takes for the transfer to be finalized can vary depending on the carrier and other factors, so it’s important to follow up with your carrier if there are any delays or issues.

Test Your New Phone:

Once the number transfer process is complete, insert the SIM card into your new iPhone 15 and turn it on. Ensure that you have a working cellular connection and that your phone number is successfully activated on the device. Make test calls, send text messages, and browse the internet to verify that everything is functioning as expected.


Setting up cellular service on your iPhone 15 is a straightforward process that ensures you stay connected wherever you go. By following this comprehensive guide, you can activate your cellular service, configure settings, and troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise. Enjoy the full capabilities of your iPhone 15 and experience seamless connectivity at your fingertips.

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