How to Set Time on Smartwatch without App? (Easy Guide)

In today’s technological era, smartwatches have become an essential accessory for many individuals. These intelligent gadgets offer a multitude of features, including fitness tracking, notifications, and of course, displaying the time.

While most smartwatches rely on companion apps for configuration, there are alternative methods to set the time on your smartwatch without using an app.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process, ensuring that you can set the time on your smartwatch quickly and hassle-free.

How to Set Time on Smartwatch without App

Access the Settings Menu

On your smartwatch, navigate to the settings menu. The procedure may vary slightly depending on the make and model of your device. Typically, you can access the settings by swiping down or tapping on the screen to reveal the menu options. Look for an icon or label indicating “Settings” or “System.”

Locate the Date & Time Settings

Once you’re in the settings menu, search for the “Date & Time” option. It might be listed under a sub-menu or within the general settings. Again, the exact location may differ based on the smartwatch’s operating system. Tap on the “Date & Time” option to proceed.

Manually Set the Time

Within the “Date & Time” settings, you should find an option to manually set the time. This allows you to override the automatic time synchronization with your smartphone or GPS. Select the manual time setting option.

Adjust the Hour and Minute

Now, you’ll be presented with fields to adjust the hour and minute. Depending on the smartwatch’s interface, you may need to swipe up or down, use buttons, or turn a crown to modify the values. Make the necessary adjustments to set the correct time on your smartwatch.

Confirm and Save

Once you have set the desired time, confirm your selection and save the changes. Look for a “Save” or “Apply” button, which may be located at the bottom or top of the screen. Tap on it to finalize the time setting.

Verify the Time

After saving the changes, exit the settings menu and return to the watch face. Check if the time reflects the correct settings you just configured. If the time is accurate, congratulations! You have successfully set the time on your smartwatch without using an app.

Additional tips Set Time on Smartwatch without App

Manual Time Setting:

If your smartwatch doesn’t have a companion app or if you prefer to set the time manually, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Locate the settings menu on your smartwatch. This is usually accessible through a dedicated button or by swiping across the screen.
  • Look for the “Date & Time” or “Clock” option and tap on it.
  • Select the “Set Time” or similar option.
  • Use the provided controls or buttons to adjust the hours, minutes, and seconds accordingly.
  • Once you’ve set the desired time, save the changes and exit the settings menu.

Sync Your Smartwatch with Your Smartphone:

If your smartwatch supports Bluetooth connectivity with your smartphone, you can sync the time between the two devices. Here’s how:

  • Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on both your smartwatch and smartphone.
  • On your smartphone, go to the settings menu and select the connected devices or Bluetooth settings.
  • Look for your smartwatch in the list of available devices and pair them if they aren’t already connected.
  • Once connected, the time on your smartwatch should automatically sync with the time on your smartphone.

Consult the Manufacturer’s Website or Support Documentation:

If you’re unable to set the time on your smartwatch using the aforementioned methods, it’s worth checking the manufacturer’s website or support documentation. Many smartwatch manufacturers provide detailed instructions and troubleshooting guides that can help you set the time without using an app. Visit their website or search for your specific smartwatch model to find the relevant information.

Seek Assistance from Online Communities:

Online communities, such as forums or social media groups dedicated to smartwatches, can be a valuable resource for troubleshooting and finding solutions. Join these communities and seek assistance from fellow smartwatch enthusiasts who may have faced similar issues. They can provide helpful tips and tricks to set the time on your smartwatch without relying on an app.

How to set up P1P without the app?

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Equipment

Before starting the setup process, ensure you have all the required equipment. This includes the P1P device itself, a stable internet connection, and a computer or smartphone with a web browser. Having these items ready will help streamline the setup process.

Step 2: Connect to the P1P Device

To begin, connect your computer or smartphone to the Wi-Fi network emitted by the P1P device. You can find the SSID and password on the back of the device or in the accompanying documentation. Once connected, open your preferred web browser and proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Accessing the P1P Interface

Enter the IP address of the P1P device into the address bar of your web browser. The IP address can usually be found in the device manual. Press Enter, and you should be redirected to the P1P interface.

Step 4: Creating an Account

Upon accessing the P1P interface, you will be prompted to create an account. Fill in the required information, such as your email address and desired password. Ensure that your password is secure and unique to protect your account.

Step 5: Configuring P1P Settings

After creating an account, you will need to configure the settings for your P1P device. This includes selecting your preferred language, time zone, and any other customization options available. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete this step.

Step 6: Connecting to Your Home Network

Next, you will need to connect your P1P device to your home network. Select the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to and enter the password when prompted. Once connected, your P1P device should be integrated with your home network.

Step 7: Testing and Troubleshooting

After completing the setup process, it is important to test the functionality of your P1P device. Ensure that it is working properly by performing a few simple tests. If you encounter any issues or difficulties during setup, consult the P1P device manual or reach out to their customer support for assistance.


Setting the time on a smartwatch without relying on a companion app is a simple process that can be done quickly and efficiently.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can ensure your smartwatch displays the correct time without the need for additional software.

Whether you prefer manual control or find yourself in a situation where you don’t have access to the companion app, now you have the knowledge to navigate the settings and configure the time on your smartwatch effortlessly. Enjoy the convenience and functionality of your smartwatch with confidence!

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