How to Make Your Phone Vibrate Continuously without An App

In today’s digital age, smartphones have become an essential part of our lives. From communication to entertainment, these devices offer a wide range of features and functionalities. One such feature is the ability to make your phone vibrate.

While most people associate vibrations with incoming calls or notifications, there are situations where you may want your phone to vibrate continuously without relying on any third-party applications.

In this blog post, we will explore different methods to achieve continuous vibration on your phone, without the need for an additional app.

How to Make Your Phone Vibrate Continuously without An App

Method 1: Using Accessibility Settings

  • Open the Settings app on your phone.
  • Scroll down and tap on “Accessibility.”
  • Look for the “Vibration” option and tap on it.
  • Enable the “Vibration” toggle switch if it’s not already enabled.
  • Tap on “Create Custom Vibration” to customize the vibration pattern.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen to create a continuous vibration pattern.
  • Once the custom vibration pattern is created, save it and exit the settings.

Method 2: Utilizing the Clock App (Android)

  • Open the Clock app on your Android device.
  • Tap on the “Alarm” tab.
  • Create a new alarm by tapping the “+” button.
  • Set the alarm time to the current time or a convenient time for you.
  • Tap on “Sound” and select the “Vibration” option.
  • Save the alarm and exit the Clock app.
  • The alarm will now trigger the phone’s vibration motor continuously at the specified time.

Method 3: Writing Your Own Code (Advanced Users)

  • This method is applicable to users with programming skills or access to a developer environment.
  • Research the programming language and platform used for app development on your phone’s operating system (e.g., Java for Android, Swift for iOS).
  • Create a new project and set up the necessary development environment.
  • Write code to control the phone’s vibration motor continuously.
  • Compile and deploy the code to your phone.
  • Run the code to initiate continuous vibration.

How to make phone vibrate at the same time as an app opening

Method 1: Utilizing Tasker (Android)

  • Install the Tasker app from the Google Play Store.
  • Open Tasker and tap on the “Tasks” tab.
  • Tap on the “+” button to create a new task.
  • Give your task a name and tap on the checkmark.
  • Tap on the “+” button again to add an action.
  • Select “Vibrate” from the list of actions.
  • Customize the vibration pattern and duration according to your preference.
  • Tap on the back arrow to save the action.
  • Tap on the back arrow again to exit the task editing screen.
  • Tap on the “Profiles” tab and create a new profile.
  • Choose the appropriate trigger for when the app opens (e.g., App > Select App).
  • Select the desired app from the list and tap on the back arrow.
  • Tap on “New Task” and choose the task you created earlier.
  • Tap on the back arrow to save the profile.
  • Exit Tasker, and now your phone will vibrate whenever the selected app is launched.

Method 2: Using Shortcuts and Automations (iOS)

  • Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Tap on the “+” button to create a new shortcut.
  • Tap on “Add Action” and search for “Vibrate Device.”
  • Select “Vibrate Device” from the search results.
  • Customize the vibration pattern and duration to suit your preference.
  • Tap on the “+” button again to add another action.
  • Search for and select “Open App” from the list of actions.
  • Choose the app you want to vibrate with and tap on the back arrow.
  • Tap on the back arrow again to exit the shortcut editing screen.
  • Tap on “Automation” at the bottom of the screen.
  • Create a new automation by tapping on the “+” button.
  • Choose “App” as the trigger for the automation.
  • Select the desired app from the list and tap on the back arrow.
  • Enable the “Run Shortcut” option and choose the shortcut you created earlier.
  • Tap on the back arrow to save the automation.
  • Now, whenever you open the selected app, your iPhone or iPad will vibrate simultaneously.


While there are numerous apps available that offer continuous vibration functionality, it is always beneficial to rely on built-in features whenever possible.

By following the methods outlined in this blog post, you can make your phone vibrate continuously without the need for an additional app. Whether you want to use it for relaxation purposes or as a creative way to customize your device, these methods provide simple and effective solutions.

Remember to exercise caution and not overuse this feature, as prolonged vibration can drain your phone’s battery faster than usual.

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