How Close Tabs iPhone 15? (Easy Guide)

With the ever-growing number of tabs we open on our iPhones, it’s important to know how to efficiently manage and close them. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of closing tabs on the latest iPhone 15.

Whether you’re a seasoned iPhone user or new to the iOS ecosystem, our step-by-step guide will help you stay organized and maximize your browsing experience. Let’s dive in!

How Close Tabs iPhone 15

Step 1: Open Safari

To begin, locate and tap the Safari app on your iPhone 15’s home screen. Safari is the default web browser for iOS devices and provides a seamless browsing experience.

Step 2: Access the Tab View

Once Safari is open, look for the tabs icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. It resembles two overlapping squares. Tap on this icon to access the Tab View.

Step 3: Review Open Tabs

In the Tab View, you’ll see all of your open tabs displayed as small cards. Scroll through the cards to review the websites you have open. This is a great way to get an overview of your browsing session.

Step 4: Close Individual Tabs

To close a specific tab, swipe it to the left or right until it disappears from the Tab View. Alternatively, you can tap the “X” button located on the top left corner of each tab card. This will prompt Safari to close the tab, freeing up system resources and decluttering your browsing session.

Step 5: Close All Tabs

If you have multiple tabs open and wish to close them all at once, long-press the tabs icon at the bottom right corner of the screen. A pop-up menu will appear, giving you the option to “Close All [X] Tabs.” Tap on this option to close all tabs in one go. Be cautious, as this action cannot be undone.

Step 6: Use Private Browsing Mode

If you value your privacy and want to ensure that no browsing history or website data is stored, consider using the Private Browsing mode. To enable it, tap the tabs icon to access the Tab View, and then tap “Private” in the bottom left corner. This will open a new private browsing window, allowing you to browse without leaving a trace.

Tips to Manage Tabs Efficiently on iPhone 15.

Use Tab Grouping:

The iPhone 15 introduces a new feature called Tab Grouping, allowing you to organize your tabs into groups. To create a tab group, simply long-press on a tab and select “Add to Tab Group” from the menu. You can create multiple groups and give them custom names for easy reference. Tab Grouping is particularly helpful when you’re working on different projects or researching various topics simultaneously.

Swipe Gestures:

Save time and navigate through your tabs effortlessly using swipe gestures. With iPhone 15, you can quickly switch between tabs by swiping left or right on the tab bar at the bottom of the screen. This intuitive gesture-based navigation makes it easy to jump between tabs without having to access the Tab View.

Utilize iCloud Tab Syncing:

If you have multiple Apple devices, take advantage of iCloud Tab Syncing. By enabling this feature in your device settings, you can seamlessly access your open tabs across all your Apple devices. Whether you’re browsing on your iPhone 15 or your MacBook, iCloud Tab Syncing ensures a consistent browsing experience and eliminates the need to search for websites you were previously viewing.

Long-Press for Actions:

Long-pressing on a tab in Safari opens up a range of useful actions. Take advantage of these options to keep your tabs organized. You can duplicate a tab to start a new session, close specific tabs, or even close all tabs except the current one. Long-pressing provides quick access to essential tab management tools right at your fingertips.

Enable Safari Extensions:

Enhance your browsing experience by enabling Safari Extensions on your iPhone 15. Safari offers a wide range of extensions that can help you manage and customize your tabs. From tab managers that provide additional organization features to ad-blockers that declutter your browsing session, extensions can be a game-changer in optimizing your tab management workflow.

Tips for Maintaining a Clutter-Free Browser on iPhone 15?

Regularly Close Unused Tabs

One of the primary culprits of a cluttered browser is having too many open tabs. It’s easy to accumulate tabs while browsing, but leaving them open unnecessarily can slow down your device and hinder your productivity. Make it a habit to regularly close tabs that you no longer need. To do this, simply swipe up on the tab or tap the “X” icon to close it. By doing so, you’ll keep your browser tidy and free up system resources.

Utilize Tab Grouping

Tab Grouping is a powerful feature introduced in the iPhone 15 that allows you to organize your tabs into groups. Take advantage of this feature to categorize your tabs based on topics, projects, or priority. To create a tab group, long-press on a tab and select “Add to Tab Group” from the menu. Give each group a descriptive name for easy reference. Tab grouping helps you stay focused and find specific tabs quickly, reducing clutter and improving productivity.

Enable Safari Suggestions

Safari Suggestions is a handy feature that can help you maintain a clutter-free browser by providing relevant suggestions as you type in the address bar. These suggestions include frequently visited websites, bookmarks, and search recommendations. By utilizing Safari Suggestions, you can access your desired content quickly without cluttering your browser with unnecessary tabs and searches.

To enable Safari Suggestions, go to Settings > Safari > Search > Safari Suggestions, and toggle the switch.

Utilize Reading List and Bookmarks

Instead of leaving tabs open indefinitely, utilize the Reading List and Bookmarks features in Safari. The Reading List allows you to save articles and web pages for later reading, while Bookmarks help you store frequently visited websites for easy access. By using these features effectively, you can declutter your browser and maintain a well-organized collection of resources.

To add a page to your Reading List, tap the Share icon and select “Add to Reading List.” To bookmark a page, tap the Share icon and choose “Add Bookmark.”

Customize Safari Extensions

Safari Extensions offer additional functionality and customization options for your browsing experience. Take advantage of these extensions to optimize your browser and reduce clutter. For example, you can use ad-blockers to remove distracting advertisements or install tab managers that provide advanced organization features. Customize Safari Extensions according to your preferences to ensure a clutter-free and tailored browsing experience.

To explore and customize Safari Extensions, go to Settings > Safari > Extensions.


Closing tabs on the iPhone 15 is a straightforward process that can help you declutter your browsing experience and optimize performance.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can efficiently manage your open tabs, close them individually or all at once, and even browse privately when needed.

Take control of your browsing session and enjoy a seamless web experience on your iPhone 15. Happy browsing!

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