How to Get Green Tick for Whatsapp Channel?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging platforms across the globe, with millions of users relying on it for personal and business communication.

WhatsApp Channel refers to a platform or medium that allows businesses to communicate with their customers through WhatsApp. It enables businesses to send messages, notifications, and updates, and provide support to their customers using the popular messaging app.

WhatsApp Channels can be used for various purposes such as customer service, marketing, sales, and delivering important information. It provides a convenient and efficient way for businesses to engage with their customers in real time.

To maintain trust and credibility, WhatsApp introduced a verification badge known as the “green tick” for its channels. In this guide, we will explore what the green tick signifies, how to get verified, and the benefits it brings to businesses and organizations.

What is the Green Tick?

The green tick on a WhatsApp Channel signifies that the channel has been verified by WhatsApp. This verification badge indicates that the business or organization using the channel is authentic and trustworthy. It helps users distinguish between official channels and potentially fraudulent or unauthorized ones.

How to Get Verified?

To obtain the green tick verification badge for your WhatsApp Channel, follow these steps:

  • Ensure your business meets the eligibility criteria set by WhatsApp. These criteria may include having a significant customer base, maintaining a presence on other social media platforms, and adhering to WhatsApp’s policies.
  • Register your business on the WhatsApp Business API. This involves creating a WhatsApp Business Account and linking it to an existing phone number.
  • Complete the verification process by providing the necessary documentation and information to WhatsApp. This may include business registration details, identification documents, and proof of ownership.
  • Wait for the verification process to be completed. WhatsApp will review your application and determine if your business meets the requirements for verification.
  • If approved, your WhatsApp Channel will receive the green tick verification badge.

Benefits of the Green Tick Verification Badge On Whatsapp Channel

Obtaining the green tick verification badge for your WhatsApp Channel comes with several benefits:

  1. Credibility: The green tick adds credibility to your business, instilling confidence in customers when interacting with them on WhatsApp. It assures them that they are engaging with an authentic and trustworthy channel.
  2. Trust: Trust is crucial in building strong customer relationships. The green tick helps establish trust by verifying your business’s authenticity, reducing the chances of users falling victim to scams or fraud.
  3. Brand Recognition: The verification badge enhances brand recognition. Users can easily identify your official channel among others, ensuring they connect with the right business or organization.
  4. Improved Customer Experience: Verified channels often receive better support and assistance from WhatsApp. This can translate into improved customer experience, faster response times, and access to additional features and tools.
  5. Enhanced Marketing Potential: With a verified channel, businesses can leverage WhatsApp’s marketing features more effectively. They can send out broadcast messages, share product information, and engage in one-on-one conversations with customers, knowing that their messages are more likely to be seen and trusted.


The green tick verification badge for WhatsApp Channels plays a vital role in establishing trust and credibility. By following the outlined steps to get verified, businesses and organizations can benefit from increased customer trust, improved brand recognition, and enhanced marketing potential on the platform. Embrace the green tick and elevate your presence on WhatsApp as a trusted and authentic channel.

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